so in just 7 little days i am on my way to the east coast for the first time (insert gasp). i'm off to visit the weeders and meet that little baby that i have yet to see. my dear friend amanda moved to dc about the same time i moved to this lovely little city-denver. we grew up at the same time-and by growing up, i mean moved away from what we knew in kansas city and did our 'own thing.' the only difference is she married a handsome man first, but that's neither here nor there. :)
the dear amanda and i have been friends since college-through the drama, the beer and the hair colors (mine, not amanda's lovely brown natural locks)-
i haven't seen amanda or the hubby, matt since their wedding the summer of 2009...
and i could not be more excited to drink wine, walk around dc, and just catch up with a dear friend somewhere other than my car speaker phone...
can't wait to see you my dear. this oughta be fun- xoxo ashleycolean
1 comment:
Thanks for your sweet words,can't wait!!! Love you much.
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