
bed buying

i had to go buy a bed after i sold my million year old one on craigslist for $40.00. after the move i headed out to find a bed. i'm embarrassed to report, i was so over it when i started that i pretty much just walked into the first place i stopped, asked to see their cheaper 'soft' beds, and 10 minutes and $539 later walked out with a mattress.

i should have shopped around, but you know how some purchases are so daunting and at the end of a long week (or month) that you just don't have it in ya. that's what happened here. my plan was to put the mattress on a platform bed so i didn't need a box spring, but that plan has changed.

my mom shed some light. "get a bed you can use for a LONG time, as a guest bed one day." and she was right, the whole cute platform idea is really not me. super trendy and modern. i'm more of a shabby chic, antiquey, mix and match girl myself when it comes to decorating. so i found an iron bed at pottery barn which i will have for-ev-er and it's on sale for $599.


after a 10% off coupon and a $75 gift certificate (c/o bbe), i should be in pretty good shape. also, at pottery barn, if you go into the store to order large items they will waive the $150 overweight shipping charge! deal.

making adult purchases, like co-pays at the doctor, are the bane of my existence, but i am really excited to have everything in my new place all set up.

here's to sweet dreams.
xoxo ashleycolean

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