
like a great wine...

so it's not exactly rocket science to think that the earlier you start saving for retirement the better off you'll be. i mean, come on guys. basic math. BUT, i hadn't really wrapped my (still young) head around just how significant of a difference it would make!

here's a little info according to the schwab center for investment research

age you start saving/% of your salary you need to put in savings

20s-   10-15%
30s-   15-25%
early 40s-  25-35%
50+ -  58+%

i'd rather be enjoying a mimosa at an inappropriately early time in the morning than working my ass off because 26 year old was a dumb ass who thought an overpriced apartment and car were more important.

60 year old me better be patting 26 year old me on the back.
xoxo ashleycolean                            

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